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Tuesday, 23 August 2016

8 Tips to Get Traffic for a New Website or Blog

Top 8 ways to get traffic for new blog or website

1. Familiarize yourself with SEO

Google uses hundreds of rating factors to determine where to place the web pages in its index, keep them in mind to optimize your website:
  • URL
  • Page title
  • Tags
  • Headers
  • Meta descriptions
  • Social signals
  • Speed of website
  • Internal and external links
  • CTR, impressions, rebound etc.
The keywords will appear in all these factors. Do it naturally and not force too much, Google will penalize you.

2. Install Analytics

This tool is essential to monitor your website with all kinds of statistics available: visitors, the source of visitors, bounce rate, interactions etc. It gives you valuable information about your blog, it can help you to understand the behavior of your visitors, to know their origin and how they connect.
If you are doing prospecting campaigns, sales or any other type and you are not measuring the results, you’re missing the chance to optimize your website, and to know that aspects must change to improve it.

3. Keep the usability and user interface in mind

If you have to explain how your website works, it is you’ve done something wrong. You must make your website easy to use, intuitive, clean and tidy to prevent the dropout rate and a low percentage of time spent.
There are lots of tools like Bounce App that will tell you if your website is easy to use and understand. In addition, you must make a responsive design that suits any type of device.

4. Make a sitemap

To make Sitemaps great things for SEO and very common practice of web design. Sitemaps are used to inform search engines what your website: its design, content. If you do not have a sitemap, you must make one as soon as possible so that helps the crawlers to
 easily read your site.

5. Research

You should research your competitors and do a study on the keywords that you want to optimize for your website. When someone writes a phrase or single word in search engines for information it’s called a keyword. Each industry has its own keywords, if you want your website to be among the top ranking, you need to optimize them.
How can you do research a keyword?
An indicator is easy to see what your competitors are doing. Write some your keywords in Google and see who is on the first page. Being on the top of the ranking will take time, but you will get it. Apart from this, all you need is a Gmail account to login into the Google Adwords Keyword Planner. This tool will give estimates of traffic and keyword suggestions. That will be your base to start optimizing your site.

6. Use social networking accounts for your blog

Social networks are vital for SEO. Social singles such as retweets, followers and “likes”, tell Google that your site is trusted. The more social actions perform is better for your site. Make sure that all your blog posts have a box to share your post on social media, and that all links your social networks are easily accessible.

7. Control your permalinks

You can see a lot of websites with no custom permalinks, such as Your permanent links are another way to give an idea to Google about your post. So, this very important to optimize your blog post’s permalinks, for example, you are writing a post about how to make mango ice cream then your permalink should be like this your
Use only dish to separate two words and avoid to use numbers and special characters.

8. Optimize your site to make it faster

The speed of your website is a key for SEO and ranking factor, but not as important as good content, or the optimization of keywords in the title. But it is very important and will make your website better for the user. To check the speed of your page you PageSpeed, Google tool that finds feeding problems and offers solutions for fixing them.
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